

Collection of journals and e-books of Elsevier company is available in ScienceDirect database.
That new Agreement was signed on May 31, 2019 for the years 2019-2021, the national license of Elsevier covers 1819 journals, including 1638 current journals with annals from 1995 and 181 archival journals, check the catalog 2019
National academic license contains 1778 journals from Freedom Collectionlist.
National academic license contains all 19 journals from the Cell group and 4 journals from the Lancet group. Release of the analysis of 6 subcollections of thematic statistics based on a use and cost analysis. These sub-collections contain a total of 709 different journal titles, of which 18 have been preserved, and the sequence of 471 titles, including sub-collections, preserved in the license. As a result, only 220 titles from the Freedom Collection responded to the explanations (see the additional sheet "out of license" in the 2019 catalog). On the publisher's website, additional information is available about other Elsevier journals, in particular in funds outside of a license for Free Access or Open Acess subscription, and subsidiary journals to the Freedom Collection and days only on subscription tables.
In 2015-2016, the national license of Elsevier was extended to selected book packages : 1712 monographs from 2013, 2014 and 803 volumes of book series or guide series from 2011-2015. The books are available on the publisher's website, and in the future they are archived on the topic in ICM with the right of perpetual access.

Licence terms (format:  pdf, rozmiar:  173 kB)